Medicare Part A and B costs
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How much does part A cost?
The average person usually does not have to pay a monthly premium for part A (hospital Insurance) Part A will have no monthly premium if you receive retirement benefits from social security or railroad retirement, You are eligible to receive social security benefits but have not yet filed for them, either you or your spouse had medicare covered government employment. You could also qualify if you are under 65 and have been receiving a social security of railroad retirement disability benefit for two years. The only other way is if you have End Stage Renal Disease ( E.S.R.D.) and meet certain requirements.
How much does part B cost?
Some people are automatically enrolled in medicare part B and others are not. If you are receiving a social security check or railroad retirement benefits you will be automatically enrolled in medicare A and B to start the first day of your 65th birthday month( If you are born on the first of the month your effective date will default to the first day of the prior month) You will pay a monthly premium for your medicare part B. If you are receiving:
Social Security
Railroad Retirement
Office of Personal Management
Your monthly premium will be automatically deducted from your benefit. If you do not receive any of those benefits you will receive a quarterly bill.